Lighting Design


The MODUS lighting team brings state of the art lighting design to each client. Whether focused on safety, enhancing comfort, improving aesthetics or any other goal, MODUS can engineer a lighting system that has the desired effect using the most cost-effective means.

Other lighting design services we offer:

  • Develop lighting concepts
  • Integration of electric lighting and controls with daylighting systems
  • Energy analysis and compliance
  • Health and environmental impact analysis of proposed lighting systems
  • Detailed lighting calculations
  • Lighting renderings
  • Lighting layout drawings, details, schedules and specifications
  • Custom fixture design
  • On-site lighting level verification and analysis of existing facilities
  • Complete REVIT design and integration with architect 3D modeling
  • Budgeting, cost comparisons, and payback analysis
  • Mock-ups, testing and table top manufacturer comparisons
  • Fixture mounting details and coordination
  • Lighting controls – system design and integration
  • Stamped lighting drawings and specifications
  • On-site observation of aiming, placement, and adjustment of fixtures
  • Roadway and Specialty Area Light Systems