
Our Summer corporate games blood drive was a big success! Check out our results below! Results from the Blood Drive 18 Scheduled Donors 15 Registered Donors 12 Eligible Donors 14 Units collected Up to 42 lives were saved or sustained! First Time Donors 6 first-time donors stepped up to try blood donation! Milestone Celebrations Jared Heidemann- 6 GALLONEER Did you know? You earn online store points for every donation! Click here to check out the cool gear you can redeem!  ...

Our inaugural newsletter write-up, a quarterly tradition in the making with various authors and backgrounds, though likely to be brought from an engineering perspective. MODUS is made up primarily of degreed engineers from differing types of focus. We have some mechanical engineers, some electrical, some metals folks, some aero e’s, some wild chem e’s and select staff who have worked in the field, installing similar projects to our designs.  Generally, we are a keen and...